
Harmonising emotional portrait
Jeanne Casimir

Facialist Jeanne Casimir uses Neuraé’s harmonie serum
Jeanne Casimir - Facialist and Beauty Consultant

It’s a time in my life when

I have a lot of personal and

professional demands on my time, so I’ve adapted to find

a balance.

Jeanne Casimir - Facialist and Beauty Consultant
A sunny energy, an incredible glow,
a desire for harmony.
Facialist Jeane Casimir shares her massages with Neuraé harmony serum

The last moment you had to yourself?

The three minutes that I spend in the bathroom in the evening to cleanse my face and apply my cream are sacred! It’s a time in my life when I have a lot of personal and professional demands on my time, so I’ve adapted to find a balance.

The music that soothes you?

Music that makes me want to dance and spin around very fast and that transports me to a country where the weather is hot. To mention just one song, I’d say Pecadora by Los Hermanos Rosario. I discovered it in the film High Heels by Pedro Almodovar. When I feel a surge of anxiety, I turn it up loud and listen to it on repeat!

The portrait of Jeanne Casimir beauty consultant for Neuraé
The portrait of Jeanne Casimir beauty consultant for Neuraé
The portrait of Jeanne Casimir beauty consultant for Neuraé

The person who inspires you?

Children in general inspire me, especially my children since I’ve had two. With their curiosity about everything around them, their ability to adapt, their overflowing creativity, or because they are amazed at everything. I watch them, I’m inspired by them and they’re a great opportunity to put things into perspective.

The person who inspires you?

Any natural or urban horizon as long as it allows me to look very far into the distance.

The secret to your balance?

If anyone has figured it out, I’m all ears! Starting to work with a psychologist for the first time after my second pregnancy has been something of a revolution for me.

The Neuraé's emotions booters

The ritual that allows you to ground yourself again?

On Friday nights at home, it’s “happy hour picnic” in the living room with the children. We eat and dance and we each take turns choosing the music. It’s a way to end the week together and start the weekend festivities.

Facial massage by beauty consultant Jeanne Casimir for Neuraé
Facial massage by beauty consultant Jeanne Casimir for Neuraé
Facial massage by beauty consultant Jeanne Casimir for Neuraé

Jeanne Casimir uses the harmonie Serum to restore her skin’s balance and boost her feeling of well-being.

“On clean, dry skin, I begin by relaxing the muscles to release tension. I then apply the harmonie Serum, making smoothing movements in an outward direction over the cheek and forehead areas, then I tap all over my face with the pads of my fingers. I like the feeling that it gives me of a fresh and lively complexion. I remember to breathe softly and deeply during the application.”

Find Jeanne Casimir on her Instagram account: @jeannecasimir


