We are...
Skincare elevated by neuroscience.

Skin and brain: a common origin

This connection goes back to an embryo’s 21st day of life. This is the moment when the outermost cellular layer, the ectoderm, gives birth to both the nervous system and the epidermis.

Neurotransmitters between the skin and the brain

Neuromediators are the words used by the skin and the brain

If communication takes place, then a language exists. A language is formed of words.

If communication takes place, then a language exists. A language is formed of words.

Neuromediators are the words used by of our skin and our brain. Dozens of them are common to both.

Four cutaneous neuromediators are at the heart of the skin and brain language.

Our Research Laboratories have targeted four key messengers.

Neuro textures

It has a protective and regenerating effect on the skin.

On the skin, it has a protective and regenerating effect.

When released in excess, it causes stress.

On the skin, it weakens the cutaneous barrier.

On the skin, it causes stress.

Skincare takes on a new dimension through our EMOTIONS

By acting on the cutaneous neuromediators, we can influence skin function and quality through our emotions and vice versa.

NEUR|AÉ’s foundations

We believe…in a science with performance, first and foremost

Developed by Sisley Group Laboratories, renowned for their in-depth knowledge of skin physiology, our formulas are the result of more than ten years of research. Our products go beyond the typical active ingredients used in cosmetics and their effects on the skin to offer an innovative approach for both your skin and your emotions.

At the core of all NEURAÉ skincare

Is our innovative NA3™ Technology.

Developed in our research Laboratories,

it is activated via three complementary action fields:

Neuro ingredients


Innovative ingredients to promote positive messagers and limit negative ones on the skin :

The stimulating Red Indigo extract encourages the cutaneous level of positive messengers and limits the level of negative ones to reduce signs of fatigue on the skin.

The Alpine Skullcap extract promotes the cutaneous level of positive messengers to boost the skin's well-being.

The soothing Eperua extract limits the cutaneous level of negative messengers for skin that looks visibly more zen and relaxed.

Our Serum is the starting point for each of our routines: énergie, joie and sérénité.

It is formulated from a unique patent-pending complex of neuro-ingredients.

Neuro fragrances


To encourage a particular emotional response, our four fragrances were created in line with the aromachology principles.

Their composition blends essential oils and fragrance compounds, selected for their aromatherapeutic effects, in order to trigger the appropriate emotional response.

To scientifically prove their impact on our emotional well-being, our neuro-fragrances were all tested using innovative neuroscientific methodologies.

Neuro textures


Our neuroscientific tests have proven that the textures themselves provoke an emotional response. Blank/Mock textures were tested using Implicit Response Time or IRT to identify their emotional profiles.

We believe in… a science based on innovative tests

It started intuitively: we believed it was possible to use neuromodulating ingredients to impact skin and emotions through a new vision of cosmetics elevated by neuroscience. To verify the theory, Sisley Laboratories worked with expert partners to establish an innovative testing program.

The results far exceeded the team’s expectations.

Efficacity test on cells


Conducted using a technique inspired by a Nobel Prize in medicine, the tests have been the subject of cutting-edge methodology including a 3D model of a reconstructed epidermis and sensory neurons, assessing and confirming the effectiveness of NEURAÉ’s neuro-ingredients.

Find out more about the tests >

Efficacity test on skin


In total, 140 people took part in clinical skin trials. The tolerance of the products has been tested under dermatological control. A series of instrumental measurements and analyses were performed to observe NEURAÉ’s effects on skin. Voluntary participants also conducted self-assessment to judge a multitude of effects (tired features, quality of skin texture, radiance, etc.).

Efficacity test on emotions


In total, 180 people took part in clinical neuroscientific trials. To measure and objectify emotions, tests were carried out to observe panelists' reactions on two levels:

Physiological: through the variations in heart rhythm and facial analysis (measuring basic emotions such as joy and sadness)

Psychological: using implicit/subconscious measurements and explicit/conscious measurements using questionnaires.