What set it in motion? The development of neuroscience, which opened up an extraordinary field of possibilities for scientific research.
Neurocosmetics create closer links between our skin and brain
By embracing this paradigm, skincare benefits from a new, effective mode of action to promote balanced skin and enhanced beauty.
Neuroscientific discoveries have inspired us to view beauty through a new dimension.
Until now, skincare has mostly been about defying the signs of genetic and epigenetic aging – caused by exposome (everything we are exposed to both internally and externally throughout our entire lives). These are two powerful levers for promoting and enhancing a youthful appearance.
Today, we are working on a third influence: our emotions.
Emotion : from the Latin e movere – “to stir-up”, “to excite”.

Our reactions to our emotions transform our face
Recurring emotions impact our facial features, disrupting their harmony.
Our skin, our most visible shield, bears the evidence.
Our emotions form an intrinsic link between our skin and brain
This knowledge provides incredible new tools for minimising the environmental impact of time on our skin, offering both emotional and cutaneous benefits.
This new discovery is the basis of our innovative scientific approach to beauty.
It unveils an unexplored path to cultivate beautiful skin together with wellbeing.
Highlighted by the Sisley Group Laboratories’ research, it is at the heart of our brand.
How to respond to the effects of tiredness, sadness and stress on the skin?
Our Research Laboratories have targeted three emotional typologies: tiredness , sadness and stress.
With NEURAÉ we have created a pioneering solution to help dull, tired or stressed skin
regain optimum condition while reharmonising your facial features.
Three emotional typologies identified, three NEURAÉ solutions

The fatigue
Loss of firmness
. Lack of muscle tone
. Skin loses its energy
. Drawn features, bags under eyes
. Drooping eyelids, a furrowed nose

The sadness
Loss of radiance
. Skin lacks luminosity
. Dull complexion
. Lack of muscle tone
. Tear trough, sad mouth lines

The stress
Fine lines and wrinkles
. Face muscle stiffness
. Tension in the eyebrows and jaw
. Face appears tense
. Frown lines, worry lines on forehead
The Aligned Manifesto*
Since beautiful skin is intrinsically linked to many aspects of our well-being, we have created NEURAÉ to take care of you. Alignment is at the heart of everything we do.